We're back from the beach!!! The Heskamp-side of my family is vacationing in Italy, so Scott and I decided to introduce Graham to a family tradition that we hope to continue every summer... Beach week! We spent a fabulous week at Pawley's Island with our best friends Carrie, Charlie and their little girl Clara. The kids were in the sand and water at least twice a day, while the adults enjoyed lots of sun, food, shopping and good company. Graham called the ocean "wa-ba" (my explanation was big water) and is still asking to go back. Clara started to crawl and cut her first tooth on the same day. Always the competitor, Graham cut his bottom two molars and is still working on his top two. He's eating apples and bits of carrots now. His favorite word (beside wa-ba) is WOW! We managed to keep both kids sunburn-free and injury-free the entire time, though both husbands returned with slight burns. We were also really fortunate because Scott's parents managed to visit at the beginning of the week, followed by Carrie's parents. It is so important for us to keep the Grandparents involved in the little things! We're sending our love across the big wa-ba, but we're pretty happy with the fun we find in our own backyard and the good friends we've gathered along the way!
XXX to everyone!!!