Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I can't get enough of this sight! Graham is such a big boy!!!

Graham and Clara this past weekend...

I just can't stop taking pictures at Latta Park! As soon as we mention "park" to Graham, he runs for his shoes and starts yelling "WA-WA!!!"
Graham is fearless! Check out the look on his face as he prepares to descend down the slide UNASSISTED. I would have snapped a picture at the bottom as well, but I was too busy playing "catcher."
Graham clucked like a chicken and quacked like a duck before he started to talk, but he is just now starting to comprehend make-believe. He loves to growl and roll around on the floor like he's a bear or chomp his arms up and down (as in this picture) like he's a crocodile.

The "Toddler OCD," as it is known in my Mommy Group, is appearing in our house. Graham is obsessed with stacking his buckets, cups, bowls, etc. All bottles, containers and cupcake tins (first picture above) must have lids. He likes to line up his toys and is starting to sort them by color and shape. Luckily, the more particular Graham becomes, the more flexible Scott and I become.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


I just have to share this picture of Grandmom Mellon (and dear friend Paula Griffis) at the Today Show in NY!!! That's all I have time for right now. We had a crazy weekend, so check back soon for more pictures. Love to all!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Graham is racing down the hall crying "ne-na-ne-na-ne-na" like a fire engine because Dad pointed out the fire engines on his robe... When Graham wears this hat and runs, it looks like he's wearing a cowboy hat...
Graham decorated our bedroom (and his old exersaucer) with toilet paper while I dressed one morning...
SUCCESS!!! It has taken 16-months, but Graham is now (mostly)competent in the art of utensils!!!
He is still a little confused about how the tofu gets onto the fork...
This may not be a Renoir, but we think it's fabulous compared to Graham's first botched experience with crayons (*hint* I almost had to scrub crayon wax out of his teeth).
Here's the little artist at work!

Graham is playing music and dancing for his friends Jak and Kara...
It's first thing in the morning and Graham is ready to go!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Graham loves to take post-supper walks! We walk all over our neighborhood looking for treasures. Graham's treasure collection usually consists of acorns, rocks and bark and he likes to bring his assortment home. Lately though, he has been fascinated with sticks and this evening he actually tried to drag this big stick all the way home...

Graham is finally getting some hair! His hair was dark auburn when he was born and he lost it after a few weeks. It came back light brown with reddish highlights. Now, it is truly blond (though it is often difficult to tell in pictures) and it is CURLING!!! After suffering with stick-straight hair my entire life, I am thrilled to see curls!
Graham has outgrown most of his summer jammies as well as his first toothbrush. Here is a shot of his first Big-Boy toothbrush. Mama still helps with the brushing of course, but he thinks he's hot stuff now! By the way, he's greasy from lotion, not sweat. We're not boiling our baby.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Here are a few pictures of Graham in the backyard... enjoying his sand of course and a swing he has loved since he was only a few days old...

Graham loves to empty the pantry onto the coffee table in the morning...

Here's a carefully cropped shot of Graham preparing for his bath. He has the most adorable bum in the world!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


As many of you already know, Scott could eat my spaghetti for lunch, dinner and even breakfast. He's a true spaghetti lover! So, we started training Graham early. He definitely loves spaghetti, but for now, it's mainly for the slipery, saucy, slurpy mess it makes.

Since Graham is so enamored with fire trucks, he and I took a "field trip" to a local fire station today. Right after I took this picture, a fireman saw Graham checking out the trucks and invited us inside.

Graham has figured out how to climb into his rocker and he loves to show off his new skill. He's a true monkey!

Graham finally found the coffee table drawer full of remotes, playing cards, note cards, and other fun things to toss across the floor...

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Stu, a high school buddy of Scott's and a dear family friend, came for an extended weekend. During his visit, Graham was lucky enough to experience his first tennis match and baseball game. Here are a few pictures.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Here we are, back in the dirt!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Mellons took an extended weekend (well, Dad joined us on Friday night) in Mars Hill with Nana and Papa. Graham got to meet the new little Pup in the family and hang out with Ganny and Gamps. Here are an assortment of pictures from our visit...

Dad took this picture to capture my multi-tasking abilities in the kitchen. Since Graham overcomes all suction bowls and likes to throw his snacks all over the floor, I get creative when I'm simultaneously preparing dinner and giving him a snack.

Graham's not making much of his visit with Ellie in this picture (he's actually trying to eat his yogurt), but in a few years, he might develop quite a crush on this cutie!

When Grahamy's not dancing to music, he is often trying to play it himself. Here, Nana is giving him a lesson on the harp!