Monday, January 29, 2007

Graham has been cutting his second set of molars for over a month and by the time Dad gets home from work, he sometimes feels like cuddling on the couch instead of playing with beloved Blue Ball.
Grahamy is showing me his rock...

I just had to lean out my kitchen door to take this picture. We are fortunate to have a fenced and fairly child-safe backyard. Graham prefers his yard, the rocks and a bucket of water (in which to throw the rocks and make a *splash*) over any toy in the house. I spend a great deal of time outside these days, despite any cold or inclement weather. From time to time, Graham now stays in his yard alone while I cook and clean in the kitchen. I can see him through our patio door at all times and I am always a step away, but he embraces his new freedom. He often comes and shares his new discoveries with me (rocks), but he stays on the patio and plays. I love having a toddler!

A sea of blocks... Graham's in heaven!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Boys Night

Big kisses for Bear Chair!!!
My work schedule is back to normal these days, though we continue to call my nights out "Boys Nights." Dada took these two pictures on just such a night. I think Graham was in the process of picking out a story to read...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

My first sewing lesson and a visit with NanaPapaGa-an-Gam

Ganny is teaching me her sewing secrets in a series of lessons. Over our weekend together, I learned how to make the pillows I so love. I have an itch and I know my house will never look quite the same again. And at the very least, Graham's pants will be hemmed instead of rolled from time to time...

This pillow doesn't live up to Ganny's high standards, but it makes me very happy. It has a lot of potential!
Okay, now for pictures of Grahamy's weekend!!!

Graham and his Ganny...

Thanks Aunt Hannie for the Christmas presents!!! Graham instantly took to bowling... especially the bowling ball!
Nana took this picture while Mama and Dada were out on the town. Graham bunked on the floor for the first time and went to bed without any resistance.

My little hikers. Grahamy walked an entire trail back and forth all by himself.
Blocks made the trip from Charlotte...

Oh boy, it's harp!

Just silliness during pre-dinner snack...
Graham laughs when he hears others laugh, as if he understands the joke. It's hilarious...

Crossing his legs like someone else...
I love this picture even though the lighting isn't very good. Gamps thinks Graham takes after him in looks and more. Here's Gamps watching over Grahamy. It's sweet!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Graham loves to mimic words, gestures and body positions these days. Apparently, Mama has an assortment of stances and Graham has mastered them all. Here are two post-bath pictures of Graham standing like Mama...
One hand on the sofa, the other on his hip and his leg is out... Just like Mama!
Graham loves getting real food from around the kitchen and comparing it to his "toy food." Sometimes we end up with quite a meal...

Grahamy is saying "toy pear" in this picture. Yes, our kitchen is still a work in progress...

Monday, January 15, 2007

A few random pictures with soccer ball and friends...

Graham loves to say "GOAL!"
I can't cut his hair... he's getting curls!!!

I'll take some better pictures this upcoming week. I promise!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Graham loves gumball machines because they are balls filled with lots and lots of different colors...

Excited! Excited! Excited!
"Okay, lets go over there..."
Clara is riding the train...
Who needs rides when there are gumball machines???

It's time for an intervention!

Graham's juice... I told Graham he couldn't have juice until after breakfast, so he broke into the pantry and found some travel ones on his own. If only he could have opened them too!
Graham needs an intervention! He is addicted to juice. He gets 6 oz. a day (max) diluted with lots of water, and yet he can't get enough. He just started drinking juice a few months ago and he rarely gets sweets, but he begs and begs for his juice! In the picture above, he's begging at the fridge while I'm cooking breakfast.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

We've been busy lately. Too busy to take pictures along the way. Here are some pictures around the house. Graham recognizes all the basic colors and we're now working on some of the less obvious ones. During our walks, he now points out the "green car" and "yellow bus." He also likes to count and understands the concept, though he will only count aloud from one to four. He will point to objects beyond four, but he doesn't seem ready to say the number five aloud yet. Hmmm...

Graham loves to strip and is quite skilled at removing his clothes all by himself. When he's left alone to play these days, he will often streak naked from his room. Oh dear!
Collecting rocks...
Kicking beloved Red Ball...
It's never too cold or wet for sand!
Water and rocks ("wa-wa and ga") are Graham's favorite toys!
We call Graham a little mynah bird these days because he repeats every word and expression he hears. His favorites are "oh well" and "okiedokie." When he gets tired of repeating our words, Graham stands at the fridge and plays with this new toy. He loves to organize the letters by color and repeat the sounds. He recognizes 4 letters, one being D, which is his favorite for some reason.