Graham obviously loves coffee breaks!

I keep trying to capture him in action, but he's just too swift. Here's a picture of Graham's smug look of satisfaction AFTER he climbed up on the sofa all by himself. This is why we call him "Monkey!"

Now that he has mastered this step, Graham is obsessed with climbing up and down it over and over again...

It looks like he's lost in the woods, but Grahamy is actually playing in our front yard...

After being trapped inside for two days thanks to some thunder storms, Graham is happy to clean up the yard...

Our outdoor boy!

Mama's little helper!!! Not only does Grahamy love to empty out the dishwasher, but he also puts away his laundry, cleans up his toys and unloads the groceries. Anything Mama and Dada do, Graham wants to do too!