Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Here are a few shots of Graham in his 2nd Halloween costume. The scarecrow costume I spent a month making was too small by the time the end of the month finally rolled around. Way to plan ahead Mama! I decided not to include the pictures of Grahamy screaming as we put the giant lion hat over his head. Scott wore the hat instead.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Here are a few pictures from a "Fall Party" Graham attended at his buddy's house. Graham has known most of the toddlers since he was only a few months old.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

I heard Graham laughing in his bed after his nap a day or so ago, so I peaked in and saw him on his back talking to an "a-na" (acorn). I grabbed the camera of course and here are a few of the many SILLY pictures I took when I first entered the room. I'm still not sure how an acorn ended up in his bed, but at least it wasn't a stick...
Graham is bouncing up and down with excitement as he shows off his acorn...
Then, he stops to point out his shadow on the wall, which is actually a post-nap tradition...
And of course, here's Graham at his silliest - standing on his head inside his crib!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Graham gets a kick out of helping in the kitchen! He especially loves to stir (or "ga" - his word for stir since he has yet to master "st" and "r")...
The ladder is out, so Graham's going to clean out the gutters all by himself!!!
Bike now accompanies us on our walks...
Just a shot of my boys...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


The first blast of cold weather doesn't keep Graham from playing in the yard or taking his daily walk with Mama!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Thanks to our hill and the position of our house, it seems like all the acorns and leaves in the neighborhood end up in our yard. Graham finds this incredibly satisfying!

Sidewalk soccer replaces hall soccer...

The bigger the kids, the bigger the mess...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The rainy day doesn't even make Graham pause. He is ready to go and one step ahead of Mama!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Grandmom and Grandad Mellon come for the weekend...
Boys in the hoods...

Riley Griffis, the five year old son of dear family friends, gives Graham his first official soccer lesson.
Sometimes Grahamy uses his stool to climb up on the sofa, but sometimes he just likes to sit on it!
Making silly faces at Grandad...
Graham immediately starts kicking his new football from Grandmom.
Tickle Monster!!!

Graham loves to show off for Grandmom and Grandad!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Graham loves to sit on the front stoop!
This is Graham's car and he is a ferocious driver...
Oh, he longs to be a passenger on a real school bus...
One more Kindermusik session... Graham's Kindermusik school was actually praised in a recent "Parenting" magazine!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Grahamy entertains himself by throwing acorns up our driveway and then chasing them as they bounce to the bottom. I didn't get any good pictures of him running back down the driveway because he picks up a lot of speed and I have to play "catcher."

A few recent shots of our soccer player in action...