Graham buzzed through his 18-month appointment yesterday. As usual, he received checks and applause. He stood on the big-boy scale when requested for the very first time, which was a big achievement since he has always been afraid of the baby scale. He is now in the 80% for his height and weight.

These pictures were taken for Graham's doctor, since she asked if he is capable of stacking at least four blocks together. Grahamy has been stacking for quite some time, and is not only capable of stacking more than four blocks together, but is also quite keen on stacking them in the proper order. He takes after his Mama and likes to keep his world organized. Yes, we know he's a little genius!

Now, here is a picture of Graham and poor Dada. For those of you out there who don't know, Dada had an emergency appendectomy on Saturday. We are so glad to have him safe and home with us now! Our unit just doesn't work without him. Having said that, Dada will be unable to pick up Graham for 4 weeks, which is causing the dynamic in our house to change a bit. Graham is looking at Dada's owie a lot and the two are dancing on the floor (the picture above) instead.

Graham is so happy to have Dada home and feeling a little better!

Nana has been here helping since Scott's surgery and we are so thankful to her and all our friend's and other family members who have stepped forward to help us out as well. One thing is for sure though... Graham thinks he is KING! He is Nana's little shadow right now.

Just one more of the same old ball-in-the-hall shot...

A traveling harp - what fun!

Graham wakes up to NANA in the house!