Finally... pictures!!! Two is a whole new ballgame, so we'll try to post more soon!!! Thankfully, Nana and Papa have been here from the beginning and we're expecting the next round of help soon. Here is the nurse who "caught" Jamie... One midwife was in another room, the other was in the hall and the doctor was attending an emergency down the hall. The nurse said, "wait a minute," but I waited last time and didn't feel like waiting this time... She did a marvelous job "catching" by the way!!! Natural childbirth makes waiting really difficult!!! Graham's new trampoline... He's a natural jumper!!! More interested in the mechanics... Papa and Graham planted "Grahamy's Garden" and G is in charge of watering the flowers now... He is quite proud of his accomplishment!!! Jamie actually looks a little like Grahamy did when he was a baby...
The other day I made a comment about my shoes not fitting (the 100+ degree heat has caused unpleasant swelling) and when I turned around a few minutes later, Graham was walking down the hall in my shoes. I snapped a few pictures just in time...
The other evening, Grahamy and Daddy were outside playing basketball and Graham came inside wearing Scott's sunglasses. Now, we're on a mission for a Graham-sized pair!
And most days, we're outside only in the EARLY morning and evenings. It's TOO HOT to play outside during the day. But, from time to time, we find shady spots and play with water, rocks, buttons and bubbles of course.
Here are some random pictures we took from Hendersonville last week... We spent several days with the entire Heskamp-side of the family. We are so blessed by our loving, supportive family!!!