We're all doing well. The boys are happy and getting along for the most part. Jamie is such a sweetheart, sleeps well and barely complains. He still gets up between once and twice a night, but we expect that to change as he puts on more weight. I'm heading to my parent's house next week with the boys and Scott's joining us on Friday, so it might be a while before I post more pictures. In the meanwhile, here are some pictures from a HOT afternoon at the park with friends so, in Graham's words, "Jamie could stay with Aunt
Kayce and Mommy and
Grahamy could play."

At least the tunnel slides offered some shade from the scorching heat...

My friend
Kayce, her daughter Katherine (almost 8-months) and her niece Kinsley. Ironically, I remember the night Kinsley was born and the day her brother Kip was born (since I was babysitting Kinsley at the time).

What a little stud! He's still swimming in some of
Grahamy's clothes, but he's starting to grow those cheeks!!!

Grahamy says, "Mommy's big boy and little boy."

This is Graham's second wasp sting in a couple weeks and this is after I pinned him down and forced
Benadryl into him (per the pediatrician's instructions). The first sting barely registered and since we have a bee allergy in my family, we're now going to be extra cautious outside.

Enough pictures!!!

Jamie is such a sweet baby! He started smiling a couple weeks ago and just can't stop...

Aunt Melissa stopped by when she was in town this past weekend and stayed through a nap, a feeding and a marathon burp session. It was wonderful spending time with her!