Grahamy was invited to Anderson's "petting-zoo" themed birthday party yesterday and rode on a REAL horse! He was ecstatic!!! Nan, we're counting down the months...

Grahamy and Grant petting a calf...

The bunnies got tons of attention of course...

Grahamy riding Daddy while waiting for his turn on the horse...

Roo sucking and snoozing during the party of course...

Some of the kids tearing up the front porch...
Grahamy and I made a cake earlier in the day... and here, he's feasting on the frosting!!!

Pants on his head...


But he's always going to be my baby!!!

JC and Greta came over for the afternoon...

Greta is 2 weeks older than Jamie and quite the little tease...
Grahamy reading to the babies...

Little sprite!

My big boy and my little boy!

I went in to get Jamie after his nap one afternoon and
Grahamy jumped right into the crib... Jamie was sort of surprised at first but then the two of them rolled around for a bit...

I love this picture because Jamie is sitting on my Ganny's chair, next to a pillow she made me last year and another pillow she helped me make. Jamie never met Ganny, but she would have loved him and sometimes I feel her here.
Grahamy often says that he misses her and I know that she's watching out for us... especially my boys!