Sunday, November 30, 2008


We celebrated Thanksgiving this year at Aunt Melissa's new house. Grandma and Grandpa met us in Winston-Salem and we all enjoyed the good food and good company. I managed to take fewer pictures than normal (for me) due to all the chaos caused by the kids. Even though the day has passed, let me just say how incredibly thankful we are! Scott and I feel truly blessed!!!
Grandpa and Roo...
Aunt Missy and Roo...
Grahamy getting his first glimpse of Aunt Melissa's new video game, a foreign concept to him before Thanksgiving...
Grahamy reading on Aunt Missy's computer.
Grahamy's music station at Aunt Missy's house...
Sucking his thumb like Baby Jamie...
Daddy and Grandpa boxing with the new video game... Grahamy was quite amused and thought they were dancing!
Grahamy learning how to play golf (sigh)...
And playing all by himself...
One yummy little babe!!!
The boys "sharing" Grahamy's yellow ball.
Holding hands and being silly... Though, I'm not sure Jamie gets the joke...


The other day, Grahamy and I made a kite out of a recycled grocery bag, some feathers, a few pipe cleaners and a lovely Ganny ribbon from last Christmas. As you will see in the pictures below, the kite flew beautifully behind my two energetic runners and Grahamy was quite proud of his success!

Baby in a precarious position on the coffee table JUST for pictures!
And then Graham gets a turn as well!!!


As I'm sure most of you know, Grahamy has an ear for music!!! He loves to listen to music, he loves to sing and he loves to play music. He especially loves to drum!!! A while back, he discovered this old pot in our kitchen and adopted it into his rather unique assortment of band instruments. It has become one of his favorites. He uses a beater on it and he likes to drum on it with his bare hands. He is definitely our little drummer boy!

Here I caught him turning the beater into his violin during a string solo...


King Grahamy!!!

And the little Prince too...
The duo holding hands...

Friday, November 21, 2008


This is how Roo often greets us when we walk into his room. He loves to sleep against the bumper because he plays with the corner of it while he sucks his thumb. At some point, I'll just allow him to sleep with his own Blankie, since he's a grasper and a sucker anyway...
Notice anything different about this picture? Grahamy LOVES to jump into bed with Jamie as soon as we hear a gurgle from his room.


Grahamy, who has always played better with rocks and sticks than typical toys, befriended this box a couple weeks ago and has found numerous uses for it around our house. Here's yet another example of how a box can can be so much more than just a box...


Grahamy learned about rhyming words at school the other day and as an avid word-lover and music-connoisseur, he promptly started making up his own songs. He loves to sing throughout the day and when I have a chance, I write down what I hear. I wrote down the one he called "Birds," but when he saw it in print, he became much more inclined to read it rather than sing. At some point, I'll try to capture him as he's making up one.

For those of you who have trouble understanding him on camera, here are the lyrics:

We love to hear birds sing;
They chirp, wacka-wacka and ring.
They fly, build nests and look for food;
Some migrate and some don't, Dude.
Birds hatch babies from eggs;
They can't fly right away, but they can walk on two legs.
We love to hear birds sing;
They phoebe, towee and ding-ding.

And, one for his brother...

Jamie doesn't know how to walk and talk
or crawl and bounce a ball.
He also doesn't know how to play with a doll.
And he loves to play inside.
But he doesn't know how to hide.
He knows how to sit a little bit.
And he knows how to stand a little bit.

Monday, November 17, 2008

We spent this past weekend with Nana, Papa and Gamps! We enjoyed seeing Gamps in his new flat, especially since the neighborhood comes with its very own river and playground! The boys both slept in their travel beds, so the nights were even enjoyable. We went on a special outing on Saturday and woke up to snow on Sunday morning. All and all, it was a wonderful visit and we were SOOO glad to see everyone!!! Thanks Nana, Papa and Gamps!!!
Papa's little guy...
Mmmm, maybe a dog lover?

Jamie Rooster!!!
Grahamy listening to his music at Nana and Papa's house... He's singing and drumming here and I love this expression!!!
One bundled baby!
On Saturday, we went to a Curious George exhibit at the Health Adventure in downtown Asheville. Grahamy loves Curious George, but he found the exhibit rather boring. He was much more interested in an adjoining room full of tracks, balls, pulls and levers.
Golf lessons from the golf pro!
Nana and Grahamy golfing...
Papa and Grahamy rolling a ball down a rather large pipe...
Jamie swinging and snacking with Daddy... Here's Gamps showing off the playground in his new neighborhood...

Grahamy turned this box into a boat the other day and went fishing and sailing and even met a dolphin!

Captain Grahamy and First Mate Jamie!

Where are those teeth???
