My three handsome boys...

Grahamy being silly and Roo being coy...

Here's Grahamy showing off his new friend, Snake-i-reedo, who arrived in a package from Cousin Maddy and has been seeing the sights of Charlotte all week. Grahamy enjoys wearing him like a scarf, sharing snacks with him and helping him suck his "thumb" (or tail). Ganny would not be pleased, because G apparently likes creepy-crawlies...

Adorable, sweet, happy little Jamie...

We have another little ham on our hands...

"Look what I found!!!"

Jamie Rooster is such a little Daddy's boy!

Hmmm, where's Grahamy?

Oh, there he is!!!

Grahamy and Daddy making breakfast together...

And Roo fending for himself with a carton of milk...

The "THAT'S MINE!!!" grab we're starting to experience now that Jamie is beginning to explore some of G's older and barely used toys. He really likes his fish though, so once Jamie let out a howl, Grahamy quickly replaced the fish with a carton of orange juice and went back to the business of eating his own breakfast...

After a roll on the tile floor (yup, neglectful parents), resulting in a red spot and a whimpering babe, Grahamy offered Jamie his Blankie for comfort. Despite the occasional sibling rivalry that sprouts up, Grahamy is the sweetest, most loving big brother we could ever imagine!!!